
“A mother’s love is the closest thing to God’s love.”

(~ Fr. Gabriele Amorth)

Motherhood is not required to be taught, it comes naturally to a mother. It is an instinct inherent in women, observed not only in humans but also animals, birds, and fish. Surprisingly, even plants exhibit maternal qualities such as teaching their seeds about changing seasons, helping them to sprout at the perfect time and regulating embryo development. The love of a mother for her offspring is a unique emotion that manifests itself in countless forms. Throughout centuries, this bond has been compared with the love of God in different religions and cultures. It exemplifies the belief that through the selfless devotion and unwavering care of a mother, we can witness and experience the essence of God’s love.

The birth of a child in a mother’s womb is not only a miraculous creation of life but also the genesis of intellect and reason. In this sense, the cosmic reality of birth serves as an analogy for the pursuit of the ultimate reality of being. The initial source of reason and intellect then evolves, taking various forms and shapes, propelling the world towards remarkable advancements in innovation, technology, as well as artistic expression, literature, ethics, and universal values. Thus, the world we know today owes itself to motherhood, which is uniquely incomparable to any other.

Moreover, motherhood extends beyond biological ties. Many exemplary instances of motherhood arise from those who foster or adopt children. Isn’t it a profound blessing and favour bestowed by the Almighty that motherhood is not restricted solely to women who give birth, but rather an innate quality ingrained in all women?

The commitment to the well-being of her child, regardless of biological or adoptive ties, illuminate the universal nature of motherhood. As much as it is soul enriching experience, it also demands one of the hardest of struggles of life. One of the most admirable qualities that motherhood entails is that of sacrifice. It is the selflessness of a mother, from nurturing her child in the womb to relinquishing personal time, dreams, and sometimes even her career, ambition and aspirations, that forges an everlasting bond. The chain of sacrifices continues throughout a mother’s life as the child grows, symbolizing the pinnacle of unconditional love. All of us may know of at least one co-worker amongst us in our workplaces who is a mother, who despite having appointed a nanny or enrolled in a daycare, still makes calls from the office at regular intervals, prioritizing her child no matter how busy she may be.

The general perception of mothers often centres around their love for their children and their efforts to secure a better life for them. However, this understanding is limited. Mothers also exercise discipline and reject their child’s unreasonable demands. They express anger when their children misbehave and implement strict measures, at times unsettling the child. This might even invoke aversion in the child for the time being. Yet, these actions are vital to ensure her child remains on the path of moral righteousness and a careful upbringing. Instilling manners, civility and good conduct, while cultivating a sense of responsibility are all crucial for mothers, even though it may cause them pain to hurt their children in the process.

Why should a single day be designated for mothers for an occasion to appreciate, honour and express our love for our mothers? Let us celebrate and express our love for mothers every single day. For, if a mother’s love is the second-best thing after God’s love, then love for the mother is certainly the third-best!

“When all hope is lost and all doors are closed

When one, from fate’s lure, is no more beguiled

The only light that outshines and endures:

A mother’s ceaseless prayers for her child”

(~ Moiz Hawalchi)